
Showing posts from November, 2018

Tide advert

Tide advert This product is intended to sell cleaning products to women in the 1950s. The main image shows a middle-class domestic housewife hugging the product. This implies that she is glamorous and loves what she does. Even the slogan portrays this claiming that it is "what women want". This links to Gerbner's cultivation theory as the repetition of women enjoying being in the kitchen doing domestic work can lead to women being defined only by this stereotypical trait. The poster also has a hyperbole claiming that Tide will clean products better than all other cleaning products.  The unique selling point in this poster is that it is clean and that it gets the jobs done, this is done by the repetition of words like ‘Clean’ and ‘White’. The use of the secondary picture of the woman with the washing machine represents the cleanliness of the product. The woman in this poster does not only target this product to other women but to men as well, as if men saw t