Analysis of music video.

Analysis of music video.

Meghan Trainor's "Dear future husband" deals with the expectations that she has when choosing a potential husband. The video looks as if it is set in the 1950's as seen by the clothes that she wears, the lighting on the rooms and the things that she is seen doing around the house -such as scrubbing the floor- are traits of a stereotypical 1950's housewife.

However, in the lyrics she admits that this is not the case stating that she cannot cook and she works a nine to five day just like a man does. There is a close up on the food that she cannot cook and her burnt apple pie. She has very specific needs of what she wants in a husband saying that he must be strong and romantic. When the man is not up to her standards there is a big fail sign that covers the screen. This shows her dominating personality and that if he is not up to scratch, then he has to go.

The clothes that she wears are also very reminiscent of a 1950's housewife. This seen especially by the classic red and white checkered apron. However, she flips this around by also wearing leather jackets and high heels. This shows signs of rebellion and that she is the dominating figure in the relationship.

She also reverses the gender stereotype by making the man go out of his way to have to impress her instead of the other way around. She also says that if he is good enough he will... her. This phrase has a sexual undertone to it as she is technically emotionally blackmailing him with her body.

Despite her extreme expectations for a husband, she drops her standards for a guy who gives her pizza. In my opinion I think that even though this music video is supposed to have a feminist approach to it as this sends a bad message as people will think that women can be so shallow that they are won over by food.


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