
Showing posts from September, 2017

Analysis of music video.

Analysis of music video. Meghan Trainor's "Dear future husband" deals with the expectations that she has when choosing a potential husband. The video looks as if it is set in the 1950's as seen by the clothes that she wears, the lighting on the rooms and the things that she is seen doing around the house -such as scrubbing the floor- are traits of a stereotypical 1950's housewife. However, in the lyrics she admits that this is not the case stating that she cannot cook and she works a nine to five day just like a man does. There is a close up on the food that she cannot cook and her burnt apple pie. She has very specific needs of what she wants in a husband saying that he must be strong and romantic. When the man is not up to her standards there is a big fail sign that covers the screen. This shows her dominating personality and that if he is not up to scratch, then he has to go. The clothes that she wears are also very reminiscent of a 1950's ho
60 second Film

Representation in a Film Trailer

Representation in a Film Trailer The trailer I chose was the Wonder Woman origin trailer. This trailer shows a representation of many aspects of society. These include female empowerment, society in World War 1 and a pre-equality era. The trailer shows immediately off a lot of women fighting which changes the norm of the stereotypical action movie. This subverts the gender stereotypes of women as typically in media, as typically in this genre, women can often be seen as weak and submissive.  Firstly, The Warner Bros and DC COMICS logo are coloured gold which compliments Wonder Woman's weapons and further portrays her warrior spirit. The first few seconds also shows off a number of different weapons and fighting styles. These are able to change the norm of what the usual action/superhero movie may consist of. With a large female cast, the trailer is able to alert audiences that Diana (Wonder Woman's actual name) is not going to be the only female fighter in the movie.