
Showing posts from September, 2018

Life on Mars Analysis

Life on Mars Analysis Life on Mars is a BBC crime drama starring John Simm. It consists of main character, Sam Tyler being in a car accident and being transported 33 years into the past to the year 1973. It has the main stock characters that would typically be seen in a crime-drama. Sam is the main investigator. He is the point of interest throughout and the audience feels just as confused as he does. In the present, the sidekick character that we briefly see is a strong female character. This contrasts with the 1970s where there are hardly any females in the workplace and the ones that are there face sexism by male co-workers. In fact in the 70s setting the boss and the sidekick character are the same person with him helping Sam solve the case and interrogate suspects or witnesses. Representation is used strongly throughout the episode, mainly with the roles of women in the workplace. This is seen through the character of Annie Cartwright. Even though she is clearly shown as

Statements and Aims

Brief 1: Television   I will choose Brief 1: Television. The genres that I would most likely choose are is a teen comedy disguised as a crime drama as they do not require as high a budget as other genres such as sci-fi. The teen comedy element is inspired by such shows as The Inbetweeners. The crime drama element is a mixture between a film and an existing television show: a scene from Captain America: Winter Soldier and the Daredevil TV series. Both are action set pieces that are grounded in reality and feature fast-paced action in one set location. There will be 2 main characters- the protagonist and the antagonist- and couple of goons/villain characters. The scene will be a point of conflict between these two characters. A criminal running from another character presumably a detective. At first the scene will be fast-paced with a variety of camera angles showing them running. They can include low shots of the character's feet as they run past. The scenes will consist

Luther and The Fall analysis

Luther and The Fall analysis The main character in Luther (John Luthor) portrayed by Idris Elba. He is a respected police detective. The first shot shown is an establishing shot. After this shot there is a quick edit of a man running. Because of the quick editing style, tension is created in the audience. The next shot cuts to outside and a whole squad of police cars are seen. The camera then pans and zooms into a woman speaking. Judging by her authoritative tone it can be assumed that she is a person with high power in the police force. The camera does mid-shots of a dark, hooded figure. When not doing mid shots, there are obscure close-ups of a hand and other body parts of the hooded figures body. The first proper shot that we see of Luther is an extreme close-up of his eyes. The camera then moves back and we see both characters standing facing each other on a small ledge as if its a western-like duel. It is evident that there is a conflict between the two. We then get close-ups