
Showing posts from October, 2017

Representation of Age

Representation of Age In different forms of media, different age groups have different stereotypes that are associated with them. People who are between 21-50 are seen as being in the prime of their lives and are the audience that most media forms are directed to. Those under 18 and over 60 are seen as slow and dependant, however, and have to rely on others to do things for them. The way that babies and young children are represented between print based and moving image media platforms varies greatly from each other. In moving image media forms, babies are often seen as a great responsibility and often end up being a burden to the parents. This differs to print based texts as usually in magazines or on posters the young child will be either stripped down to show sensitivity or dressed up to either show a glamorous lifestyle or for comedic effect. Young children can typically be seen as creative and imaginative. In one "Fairy Liquid" advert they use the basis of a chil

Half Term Advertising Campaign.

My Campaign  Name: Biss Slogan: 'Puts the "Smooth" into "Smoothie"'   " From Concentrate to help you Concentrate"  USP: All natural sugars,  1 of your 5-a day,  Idea is to make you study harder without damaging the brain, On every can/bottle there is a code for a study page on their website. The campaign is mainly for teenagers and young adults as a way of keeping them hydrated and energised during times of stress and bulk revision. The campaign looks to persuade people to buy the product using a concept that they can all relate to - stress relief. What sets the product apart from the competition is that unlike others like it, it contains natural fruit juices and is healthy for the body and the brain. There are different flavours to the product to create various choices. These may include: Orange, Berry (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) and Tropical (mango, pineapple, banana, kiwi). These fruits all not only help the brain,

Representation of Ethnicity

Representation of Ethnicity  Throughout the media, ethnic minorities are often overlooked being seen as token characters. Throughout print-based and moving image texts ethnic groups are presented very differently from white groups. This brings a sense that they are different and have exotic new customs that are strange and peculiar. In some advertisements when seeing ethnic minorities they are portrayed as being regular everyday people with that fit into society and have nothing that wildly sets them apart from the crowd. However, often they are wildly extravagant and push the boundaries of racism. Some advertisements such as the "McDonald's Pineapple advert"  contain exoticism's that portray people from foreign agricultural areas as kooky and laughable. They will often contain music that is stereotypical to the area that they are representing such as places in the Caribbean are always accompanied by reggae in order to immediately inform the audience that thi

Advertisement Questions

Advertisement Hwk 1. Write down five slogans for products recently advertised      'I'm loving it'-McDonalds      ' Eat drink chew' Extra      'Unbox your phone' Samsung Galaxy      ' It's for the players' Playstation       'Just do it' Nike 2. Which advertisers have used shock tactics lately and why are they shocking? An Irish company showed children being crushed by a speeding car whilst on a school trip. They are trying to inform the audience that since 2000 enough children to fill a class have been killed by speeding cars. This message is shocking enough but the brutality of the advert is shocking and scary to an unsuspecting audience.     3. Find an advert where you can justify Maslow's hierarchy of needs in play.  A possible example of this could be the Snickers advert where the man is very angry and turns into an irritating diva-like woman due to the fact that he is hungry. They are saying that hunger

Representation of Men in the Media

Representation of Men in the Media In most media forms, men are perceived as strong, dominant, competitive figures in society who are expected to show off their masculinity at all times. In television and film, young men are stereotypically seen as reckless, sex cravers who make poor decisions in life, whereas older men are seen as dominant heads of households and/or the provider and worker of the family. When seeing men in adverts or on television they tend to be young, fit and athletic as they are seen as the type of person that the audience demographic would want to see or strive towards being like. They also tend to be slim and muscular which helps to create the image that all men should be this size and shape and that anyone that does not fall into that category is deemed unfit.  A stereotype that is seen all the time in films and television is how people are classified in schools. In these, there will always be the strong masculine and athletic character who is seen as r

Campaign Advertisement

Campaign Advertisement The advert that I chose was a rape awareness advert by the daily telegraph aimed at teenagers urging them to think about their actions. It may be aimed at teenagers as this could be when they are most excited about the idea of sex. As a result of this, they show a person who is around the same age as the target audience. Even though it seems like they are mainly saying it to males,they are also asking women to speak up about it. It starts off as a typical night out with a couple returning from what the audience assumes is a date. They are seen to be enjoying themselves at first but when it gets too heated the female wants to stop. However, the male character either doesn't see this or chooses to ignore it - resulting in rape. The advert was most likely made like this as this could be the times when rape happens most often. By putting it in a very real situation it allows viewers to sympathize with the women more and also question whether this

Representation of Women in the Media

Representation of Women Throughout the media, women are represented in different ways depending on age, race and roles. These representations tend to be portrayed and seen in a negative light. When seeing women in adverts or on television they tend to be young as they are seen as the type of "eye candy" that the audience demographic would want to see. Usually in adverts that are advertising skincare and beauty products, they will hire a young Caucasian actress to be the main face of the product. They also tend to be skinny which helps to create the image that all women should be this size and anyone that does not fall into that category is out of shape. These stereotypes are often found to cause a low self-esteem in young girls who are unable to look like the types of girls that are advertised around them.  A lot of time, young women are made to be sex objects or people who are over sexualised to be pleasing to men. They are seen wearing revealing clothing a

What is cross platform advertising?

What is cross platform advertising? Cross platform advertising is when companies use different forms of mass media to advertise their products. These include adverts on television, in magazines/newspapers, in music videos etc. A company will tend to use cross platform advertising when you can target different audiences through different platforms. Many companies will also allow films and music videos to use product placements in their videos to also show off their products. These can also result in the media source earning money for advertising. For example, free newspapers earn their money by being paid to put advertisements in them. Another reason why cross platform advertising is effective is because it can raise awareness about something. These can include: charities, political agendas and campaigns about certain issues. Different platforms of media allow these issues to be branched out so that more people see them; younger generations tend to s