Advertisement Questions

Advertisement Hwk

1. Write down five slogans for products recently advertised
  •      'I'm loving it'-McDonalds
  •      ' Eat drink chew' Extra
  •      'Unbox your phone' Samsung Galaxy
  •      ' It's for the players' Playstation 
  •      'Just do it' Nike

2. Which advertisers have used shock tactics lately and why are they shocking?
An Irish company showed children being crushed by a speeding car whilst on a school trip. They are trying to inform the audience that since 2000 enough children to fill a class have been killed by speeding cars. This message is shocking enough but the brutality of the advert is shocking and scary to an unsuspecting audience.

3. Find an advert where you can justify Maslow's hierarchy of needs in play. 
A possible example of this could be the Snickers advert where the man is very angry and turns into an irritating diva-like woman due to the fact that he is hungry. They are saying that hunger is the most important thing in life and curing it will create a positive ripple effect in life. Eating the Snickers bar allows him to feel accomplished, improve his self esteem and  resume his friendships.

4.Write down as many stereotypes found in advertising as you can, try to link them to actual campaigns.

Young Women in adverts they tend to be young as they are seen as the type of "eye candy" that the audience demographic would want to see. Usually in adverts that are advertising skincare and beauty products, they will hire a young Caucasian actress to be the main face of the product. They also tend to be skinny. An example of this is in the 'Nivea' adverts.
Younger Men in adverts they tend to be young, fit and athletic as they too, are seen as the type of person that the audience demographic would want to see or strive towards being like. This is commonly seen in the 'Lynx' adverts. 
Older people are often married and lead a domestic lifestyle where the men are seen as married and working and the women are seen as domestic housewives who clean up after the family.

5. Find an example of intertexuality in an advert.
The newer 'Compare the Market' adverts use new movies to help boost their sales. For example they used the release of 'Spider-man:Homecoming' to encourage people to buy from them in order to receive tickets to watch the film. The fact that these are current movies that people know and are typically interested in helps to catch the eye of the audience.

6. Find as many different uses for music in adverts as you can.
Music can be used for many different purposes in advertisements. Some adverts such as the British Gas adverts have music that is synonymous with the advert which allows it to be instantly recognisable. Whilst some adverts use sad music to tug at the audiences heartstrings such as charity and campaign adverts others use happy, loud and uplifting music to make the audience feel motivated enough to by their products. Another use of music in adverts are parodies for comedic purposes. For example the 'Muller rice' advert used a parody of 'Ice Ice Baby" to promote their product and its good qualities. An advantage of these kind of parody adverts is that people can sometimes feel nostalgic about the original song and the fact that it uses a play on words catches peoples attention.

7. Give an example of an elite person in a current advertising campaign.
Usain Bolt appears in a large number of the Virgin Media adverts

8. Find five examples of "Reward and Punishment" persuasion in current campaigns.


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