Newspaper Front Cover

On this front page there is a large picture of Obama standing in front of the American flag.  The stand first is quite short, possibly because all the information is in the image, headline and strapline. The most eye-catching part of the article is clearly the headline where they try to entice the reader with a pathetic excuse for a pun. "Barack Four More" is a play on "Back for more" instead referencing his name and the fact that his presidential rule would last 5 years.

The Sun is a Right Winged newspaper and as a result if the Democrats being less Right Winged than the Republicans, the fact that they try to engage in humour may be quite fitting. Also, the type of audience that the Sun is written for would appreciate the joke. They also use colloquial word "prez" in the stand-first to suit their target audience.

Despite it clearly being a huge storyline, it is surprising that it is not the only article featured on the front page. There is a standalone featuring a continuation of the Jimmy Savile scandal and a plug on the results of the football. 


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