Teenagers in the News

Teenagers in newspapers

This newspaper headline contains two teenagers dressing up as the burning twin towers on 9/11. The headline is 'towering stupidity' summing up what they think of teenagers in general. The front image makes the teenagers look drunk and unintelligent. It also throws the real image of what happened during 9/11 in order to make what they are doing look worse. The Sun's opinion is given out further by the strapline describes it as a 'sick contest'. However it is not specified on what kind if party it is and whether it was solely teenagers there or if adults were there too.

The hypodermic needle theory states that the media has the ability to push thoughts and stereotypes into a persons mind by conveying the same stereotypes over and over again. It is believed that if you see the same thing enough from multiple sources then you would eventually start to believe it is a fact.

They use the hypodermic needle theory to push the stereotype that teenagers are careless. When seeing teenagers in the media, they are always doing reckless and irresponsible acts. When people see this the stereotype they can start to believe this. Another stereotype commonly seen is teenagers killing people. If a person sees this many times they can be led to believe that all young people are dangers and menaces to society leading to people becoming afraid of young people, thinking the worst of them and becoming afraid of them.


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