
Showing posts from January, 2018

Teenagers in the News

Teenagers in newspapers This newspaper headline contains two teenagers dressing up as the burning twin towers on 9/11. The headline is 'towering stupidity' summing up what they think of teenagers in general. The front image makes the teenagers look drunk and unintelligent. It also throws the real image of what happened during 9/11 in order to make what they are doing look worse. The Sun's opinion is given out further by the strapline describes it as a 'sick contest'. However it is not specified on what kind if party it is and whether it was solely teenagers there or if adults were there too. The hypodermic needle theory states that the media has the ability to push thoughts and stereotypes into a persons mind by conveying the same stereotypes over and over again. It is believed that if you see the same thing enough from multiple sources then you would eventually start to believe it is a fact. They use the hypodermic needle theory to push the stereotype

Video Games

Video Games Common Video Game Genres: Platform games- when your character goes along a platform from one place to another e.g. Donkey Kong. RPG (Role-Playing Game)- When you take control of a character throughout the narrative of a game e.g. Final Fantasy. MMORPG(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)- when you take control of a character in an online world and interact with other people's players. e.g. World of Warcraft. Shooter- a game where you shoot people and things to earn points. This can be through 1st person and through 3rd person e.g. The Call of Duty franchise. Simulation- A game that simulates real world activities e.g. The Sims Fighting- A game where players are on a 2-D platform and have to fight each other until one player is knocked out e.g. Injustice. Technological features Modern Industry- the types of games that are commonly played and enjoyed by this generation. Video Game developers will looks for this when deciding what kind of g

Daily Mirror: Trump article

This cover was released the day after Donald Trump was elected as the president of the United States. The image shows the Statue of Liberty-a symbol of American freedom- with her head in her hands in disappointment. The background is dark and scary like something out of the apocalypse. The dark clouds also symbolise that a storm is coming. The main headline is very upfront asking the question that was on many people's mind "What have they done?" The fact that the Daily Mirror says "they" could imply that they are distancing themselves from the US as it is their mistake. The plug advertising what is in the paper is very ominous as it contains an ellipsis, building tension for the future. The strapline is also very menacing saying "How Trump triumphed...and what it means for you and the world" This piece directly addresses the audience pulling people in and encouraging them to buy the paper. The mirror is a tabloid so it is not surprising that the hea

Newspaper Front Cover

On this front page there is a large picture of Obama standing in front of the American flag.  The stand first is quite short, possibly because all the information is in the image, headline and strapline. The most eye-catching part of the article is clearly the headline where they try to entice the reader with a pathetic excuse for a pun. "Barack Four More" is a play on "Back for more" instead referencing his name and the fact that his presidential rule would last 5 years. The Sun is a Right Winged newspaper and as a result if the Democrats being less Right Winged than the Republicans, the fact that they try to engage in humour may be quite fitting. Also, the type of audience that the Sun is written for would appreciate the joke. They also use colloquial word "prez" in the stand-first to suit their target audience. Despite it clearly being a huge storyline, it is surprising that it is not the only article featured on the front page. There is a